Other Basin Gages
Record Levels of Streams and Lakes
Name Gage  Flood  Record Date of  Record  Date of 
Zero Stage High Record Low Record
Pascagoula River Basin            
OKATIBBEE 0.0   354.9 Apr-79 329.0 Oct-84
MERIDIAN SOW 306.0 14 23.0 Apr-79 1.5 Oct-85
MERIDIAN OKA 269.4 15 26.1 Feb-61    
ARUNDEL 259.0 10 22.7 Feb-90    
CHUNKY 269.0 22 27.3 Apr-03 2.0 Sep-86
ENTERPRISE 207.6 25 43.1 Apr-03 4.0 Oct-52
SHUBUTA 147.6 30 47.2 Dec-03 1.6 Jun-03
WAYNESBORO 119.9 35 47.9 Feb-61 1.9 Aug-57
LEAKSVILLE 51.1 20 33.5 Feb-61 6.7 Oct-63
HATTIESBURG 118.2 22 34.0 Apr-74 2.0 Sep-86
LAUREL 201.4 13 23.3 Apr-74 1.2 Oct-63
COLLINS 197.0 25 32.6 Apr-74 3.6 Aug-86
MCLAIN 42.2 18 31.6 Feb-61 1.8 Nov-68
MERRILL 26.3 22 30.7 Feb-61 1.9 Oct-63
Escambia/Conecuh Basin            
RIVER FALLS 120.8 37 52.5 Mar-03 0.1 Aug-53
BREWTON 53.1 17 36.6 Mar-03 -2.9 Jul-82
Yellow River Basin            
MILLIGAN 45.0 12 17.7 Apr-75 0.6 Oct-68
Choctawhatchee Basin            
ELBA 159.2 30 43.3 Mar-90 0.5 May-32
NEWTON 138.6 19 40.3 Mar-90 1.5 Sep-54
GENEVA 62.8 23 46.9 Mar-03 0.9 Sep-41
CARYVILLE 39.0 12 21.2 Mar-90 -0.8 Oct-54
NOTES:  Gage zero is the reference level of the specific gage in feet above-mean-sea level.
                Flood stage is the level at which flooding occurs.
                Dams are shown in boldface.
               U represents Upper (upstream) level and L represents Lower (downstream) level